by K. Oxovuieu
Published by the author
The rise of generative AI, capable of producing well-structured text and supporting human-like conversations, developed a new wave of hype. A crucial question remains unanswered: why does AI-generated text sound so human?
If you are traveling and your plane suddenly has an engine failure, you will hope that the pilots will do their best to land the plane and save the passengers. It would never occur to anyone to ask the passengers to vote on what the pilots should do.
Yes, I am asking you! Do you consider yourself a smart, educated, and rational person, or do you believe that the state and big media have brainwashed you since the day you were born?
Every day, we see more evidence that democracy does not work in modern society. Forcing millions of people to follow rules they despise is far from justice. The more we do this, the less it works, and the story knows only one end to this process. I will say what many of us are thinking: we are heading to war. There is only one way to turn off this dangerous path...
At the heart of the Bitcoin technology lays the consensus protocol. Its core is an unbiased leader election, based on the proof-of-work. This idea was borrowed from the human society. The creators of Bitcoin only replicated the social processes that have been tested and worked reliably for more than 2,000 years. Or have they?
The history of science is inseparable from the history of humankinds. It developed exponentially from the time of the ancient Greek philosophers to the scientific revolution. But then, in the middle of the last century, the scientific process sharply slowed down and withered. Science is no more.
Have you ever tried to prove that you are an intelligent being? This task is not as easy as it seems.
What if I print the entire human genome as a book? Depending on the font size and page format, it will take about 130-180 volumes. In other words, less than 300,000 printed pages are required to “describe” the human body plan.
Advertising is the art of creating and distributing carefully tailored memes. The evolution of this purely memetic business is quite remarkable.